Christoph Witte
Christoph Witte is the press spokesman of VOICE — Bundesverband der IT-Anwender e.V. He is a longstanding member of the IKT and online community. In addition to his responsibilities at VOICE, he works as a publicist, speaker and consultant. In 2009 he founded Wittcomm, an agency for IT/Publishing/Communication. Here he bundles his diverse activities as author, blogger, speaker, PR and communication consultant. Witte regularly writes articles for the IT and business press. In addition, he works as chief editor for two trade magazines of the SIGS DATACOM publishing house, BI-SPEKTRUM and OBJEKTspektrum. Before that, from 1995 to 2009, Witte worked as chief editor and publisher for the IDG publications Computerwoche and CIO.