Join the iSAQB® network
Become a Training Provider
iSAQB® Accredited Training Providers are professional training organizations that have proven the high quality of their software architecture training courses. Companies with a successful application receive the quality seal of iSAQB Accredited Training Provider. With this accreditation, training organizations are able to market CPSA training and request offical exams for participants via or licensed certification partners. To conduct CPSA® trainings with their own trainers, Accredited Training Providers need the additional iSAQB accreditations for the respective CPSA® training courses and trainers.
Your Advantages as an iSAQB® Accredited Training Provider
Your Advantage
Strength of our Reputation
iSAQB-accredited organizations, trainings and trainers enjoy an excellent reputation. Become a part of the growing international iSAQB community and benefit from the ever-increasing demand for CPSA training.
Your Advantage
Organize CPSA® Trainings & Requesting Official Exams:
Accredited Training Providers are authorized to organize CPSA training courses and have official exams administered by our licensed certification partners.
Your Advantage
Use of the iSAQB® Quality Seal
You will receive a quality seal of the iSAQB, which you can use for your marketing purposes in all your marketing materials.
Your Advantage
Access to Free Advertisement on the iSAQB® Website
Your training dates can be advertised centrally in our course calendar on the iSAQB website. We will list you as an official training provider and forward you requests for training courses and in-house training.
Your Advantage
Stay Ahead of your Competition
You will receive all planned updates to the CPSA curricula well-ahead of them being published for public use.
Your Advantage
Be Part of our Expert Network
You will become part of an exclusive and international network of well-known pioneers and practitioners in the field of software architecture.
The iSAQB® Accreditations at a Glance
All iSAQB accreditations have the goal of ensuring software architecture training courses with a high-quality standard and practical relevance as well as uniform curricula. Therefore, a CPSA® training course may only take place in combination of the following three accreditations:

Accreditation of training providers (TP)
Accreditation of trainers
Accreditation as iSAQB® Accredited Trainer can be granted for one or more CPSA® trainings. The following requirements must be met:
Accreditation of trainings
Accreditation of Foundation Level and Advanced Level training courses is based on a one-time review of the associated training material. The successful accreditation of CPSA® trainings is made visible with the quality seal iSAQB® Accredited Training.