Certified Professional for Software Architecture (CPSA®)
The iSAQB® Academic Partner Program – CPSA® Training at Universities
CPSA® at Universities
A major goal of the iSAQB is to promote the education and training of future software architects at colleges and universities worldwide. To this end, the iSAQB offers an international program aimed at academic institutions with degrees in IT sciences and courses with a focus on software architecture.
Foundation Level (CPSA‑F®)
Certified Professional for Software Architecture
The Certified Professional for Software Architecture-Foundation Level (CPSA‑F®) is the outstanding, internationally recognized designation for practitioners of software architecture. This seal of quality is awarded to those who can demonstrate mastery of a sound basic knowledge of software architecture.
Joining the iSAQB® Academic Partner program shows that your institution meets the highest standards of teaching in software architecture. There are no fees, but many benefits associated with the admission as Academic Partner.
Benefits for Recognized Academic Partners of the iSAQB
If your institution is interested in joining the iSAQB® Academic Partner program, we look forward to hearing from you at info@isaqb.org.
For Students
Start your Career with CPSA‑F® certification
Growing demand for software architects
The worldwide demand for academic specialists and managers in the field of software architecture is immense and continues to grow steadily. Certification as a Certified Professional for Software Architecture-Foundation Level (CPSA-®) supports the simultaneous need for sound basic knowledge in software architecture through an internationally recognized training standard. Students of IT sciences can thus prepare themselves for the start of their professional life during their studies with a high-quality qualification certificate.
In Cooperation with our Academic Partners
Take the CPSA‑F® examination
Optional CPSA®- Foundation Level exams can be taken by students at iSAQB partner universities in addition to regular university exams. Students receive a 50 percent discount for the CPSA®- Foundation Level exams.
All Recognized Academic Partners