ITA-STQB (ITAlian Software Testing Qualifications Board) is a non-profit association born in 2007, which started to offer certification exams from the second half of 2008. Its characteristic activities include certification in the field of software engineering in Italy, such as business analysis, requirements engineering, software architecture and testing. Certification happens in accordance with the rules and syllabi that are public, defined by international reference institutes, i. e., ISTQB®, IREB®, IQBBA® and iSAQB®, written by experts and subjected to continuous review and updating. Their terminology is described in glossaries, and ITA-STQB deals with translations into Italian for the certifications offered in Italy. ITA-STQB also deals with the accreditation of companies for training activities, the active contribution to the evolution of international reference schemes, and the stimulation of interest in Italy on software engineering issues through the organization of conferences and specific events, while promoting the exchange of skills.
- Via Brozzoni 9 25125 Brescia Italy