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Dr. Faith Co., Ltd

New Recognized iSAQB<sup>®</sup> Trainingsprovider - Dr. Faith

Dr. Faith Co. Ltd. was origi­nally estab­lished in July 2021 by several doctoral researchers from different academic fields in Germany and is currently located in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, PR. China.

Dr. Faith aims to contribute to regional and inter­na­tional educa­tional cooper­ation and exchanges between Europe and PR. China. As the first iSAQB training provider with accredited trainers in China, Dr. Faith relies on its strong academic background and works closely with German and Chinese univer­sities. In addition to software architecture training, Dr. Faith also focuses on higher and further education projects in other direc­tions like digital­ization, artificial intel­li­gence, and IoT.


  • Shidai Shanghe Yuan 30-32-1308 Tangnan Road, Liangxi District Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province China

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Training Formats: Online / Remote Training, Classroom Training
Accredited CPSA Trainings:

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by Dr. Faith Co., Ltd

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