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Cert-IT GmbH


Cert-IT was founded in 2003 by the business associ­a­tions BITKOM and ZVEI, the trade unions IG Metall and ver.di as well as the Gesellschaft für Infor­matik e. V. and the Fraun­hofer Gesellschaft.

In 2009, the social partners handed over Cert-IT into the hands of Germany’s leading IT certifier, the DLGI.

Cert-IT is accredited by the German Accred­i­tation Society (DAkkS) as a certification body for management systems, products and people and is therefore their trusted partner for certi­fi­ca­tions in the field of education and IT.

In the context of personal certi­fi­ca­tions, Cert-IT has relied on web-based exami­nation systems from the very beginning and thus offers its customers standardized exami­nation proce­dures, flexi­bility for exami­nation companies and a fast result for the candidate. Our portfolio also includes remote proctoring proce­dures while maintaining the integrity of the exam.


  • Rabinstraße 1 53111 Bonn Germany

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Exam Types: Online / Remote Proctor, Exam After Classroom Training, Public Exams

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