Cert-IT GmbH
Cert-IT was founded in 2003 by the business associations BITKOM and ZVEI, the trade unions IG Metall and ver.di as well as the Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. and the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft.
In 2009, the social partners handed over Cert-IT into the hands of Germany’s leading IT certifier, the DLGI.
Cert-IT is accredited by the German Accreditation Society (DAkkS) as a certification body for management systems, products and people and is therefore their trusted partner for certifications in the field of education and IT.
In the context of personal certifications, Cert-IT has relied on web-based examination systems from the very beginning and thus offers its customers standardized examination procedures, flexibility for examination companies and a fast result for the candidate. Our portfolio also includes remote proctoring procedures while maintaining the integrity of the exam.
- Rabinstraße 1 53111 Bonn Germany