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New curriculum version 2025.1 of CPSA‑A® module SOFT published

The iSAQB has released the new curriculum version 2025.1 of the CPSA‑A module SOFT (Soft Skills for Archi­tects) in English and German.

The curriculum has been signif­i­cantly updated compared to the last version.

The existing learning goals have been refor­mu­lated to meet new requirements, and further goals have been added. A disclaimer has been included, allowing the use of the mentioned methods while also permitting the achievement of learning goals through other methods. Furthermore, the sources have been reviewed and updated accordingly.

Time alloca­tions have been adjusted based on the discussed prior­ities. The topics have also been expanded, focusing on stake­holder management and decision-making. In addition, the chapters have been standardized, with Chapters 6 and 7 being merged into other sections and subse­quently removed.

Lastly, gender-inclusive language has been applied throughout, and terms have been standardized for consistency.

The new curriculum version 2025.1 can be downloaded here.

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