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New curriculum version 2023.1 of CPSA‑A® module FUNAR published

Since May 15, 2023, the new curriculum version 2023.1 of the CPSA‑A module FUNAR (Functional Software Architecture) is available in both German and English.

The main goals of the revision, among other things, were to reduce the extent of the curriculum, as the previous version 2018.1 was too much to cover in a three-day training course, and to better align the curriculum with a proven didactic flow.

Specif­i­cally, the System Structure section was retitled Basics of Functional Programming, and the material on data modeling was specified. The section on Non-Functional Requirements was largely removed, except for the mention of events in the new section on Functional Macro Architecture.

Furthermore, the sections on Functional Requirements and Architectural Patterns were reorga­nized into new sections on Functional Modeling and Functional Macro Architecture.

More information on the changes to the curriculum can be found here in GitHub.

The new FUNAR curriculum version 2023.1 can be downloaded here.

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