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New CPSA-Advanced Level Module GREEN intro­duced: Green Software – Devel­opment of Resource-Efficient Applications

The iSAQB has intro­duced the new Advanced Level module Green Software – Devel­opment of Resource-Efficient Appli­ca­tions (GREEN). A total of 17 CPSA-Advanced Level modules are now available.

The curriculum addresses the devel­opment of resource-efficient IT systems from the perspective of software archi­tects. It covers the entire spectrum of their field of activity: from creating awareness of the topic in the company to designing energy-efficient software archi­tec­tures in conjunction with the necessary quality charac­ter­istics, the essential toolbox for measuring and monitoring, and the operation of appli­ca­tions in the cloud.

The successful partic­i­pation in this module will be rewarded with ten credit points in techno­logical compe­tence and 10 in methodical compe­tence. These credit points can be used for the subse­quent CPSA-Advanced Level certification exam.

Further information on GREEN and the curriculum can be found here.

First GREEN training dates will be available soon in our training calendar.

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