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New CPSA-Advanced Level Module Formal Methods (FM) published

The iSAQB has intro­duced the new Advanced Level module Formal Methods (FM). There are 19 CPSA-Advanced Level modules available now. The curriculum is available in English.

The module FM intro­duces formal methods as an addition and alter­native to tradi­tional architectural approaches, enabling mathe­matical proofs of key system properties. However, such proofs must be integrated from the start and not added later. Unlike common automated testing methods, formal methods demand signif­i­cantly more effort, including careful selection of speci­fi­cation and programming languages. Archi­tects must define critical properties mathe­mat­i­cally, design archi­tec­tures that support verifi­cation, and rigor­ously prove these properties, requiring deep architectural expertise.

Partic­i­pants receive 10 credit points each in techno­logical, methodical, and commu­nicative compe­tence for successful partic­i­pation in this module. As usual, these 30 credit points can be used for a subse­quent certification exami­nation to become a Certified Profes­sional of Software Architecture at the Advanced Level.

Further information on the new module FM and the curriculum can be found here.

The first training dates will be published soon in our training calendar.

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