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New CPSA-Advanced Level Module Appli­cation Programming Inter­faces (API) introduced

The iSAQB has published the new Advanced Level module Appli­cation Programming Inter­faces (API). With this latest addition, 20 CPSA-Advanced Level modules are now available.

APIs facil­itate digital services through program­mable inter­faces, enhancing reusability and integration. They enable consumers to focus on core tasks by outsourcing others.

This module explores APIs as technical, organi­za­tional, and business tools, empha­sizing network-based APIs, value creation, and team collab­o­ration beyond just technical aspects. It covers the impor­tance of APIs, different API styles and technologies, API design principles, and API description methods. It also explores the API lifecycle, tooling, security consid­er­a­tions, and scaling APIs with platforms and governance.

Partic­i­pants receive 10 credit points each in techno­logical and methodical compe­tence for this module. These 20 credit points can be used for a subse­quent certification exami­nation to become a Certified Profes­sional for Software Architecture at the Advanced Level.

Further information on the new module API and the curriculum can be found here.

The first training dates will be published soon in our training calendar.

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