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Mahbouba Gharbi, Chair­woman of the Board of iSAQB®, appointed to the Advisory Board of the Department of Computer Science at Worms University of Applied Sciences

Ludwigshafen am Rhein on November 15, 2021: On October 13, 2021, Worms University of Applied Sciences, with its more than 3700 students as well as 80 partner univer­sities in over 50 countries, appointed Mahbouba Gharbi, Chair­woman of the Board of the Inter­na­tional Software Architecture Quali­fi­cation Board (iSAQB), to the Advisory Board for the Applied Computer Science and Mobile Computing programs.

With the appointment of Mahbouba Gharbi to the academic advisory board, Worms University of Applied Sciences intends to further develop the networking between IT industry and academic teaching. The common goal of Ms. Gharbi’s involvement is the advancement of the department as well as the teaching and research programs based on the inter­na­tionally recog­nized educa­tional standards of the iSAQB. “Especially for the content design of teaching programs according to requirements of the workplace as well as the attrac­tiveness of a modern study program, Ms. Gharbi’s expertise is in great demand,” says Prof. Dr. Herbert Thielen (Vice Dean of the Department of Computer Science, Worms University of Applied Sciences).

Personal details: Mahbouba Gharbi holds a degree in engineering and is a software architect. She teaches at inter­na­tional univer­sities and speaks at renowned specialist confer­ences on a regular basis.

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