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Recom­mended Literature

The iSAQB recom­mends the following liter­ature selection for the prepa­ration and follow-up of the CPSA® training courses at Foundation and Advanced Level. The publi­ca­tions offer well-founded supple­ments to the various topics covered in the CPSA® training courses.

  • All CPSA Topics
  • ADOC

    Architecture Documen­tation


    Agile Software Architecture


    Architecture Evalu­ation


    Low-Trust Consensus in Decen­tralized Applications


    Infrastructure, Container and Cloud Native

  • DDD

    Domain Driven Design

  • EAM

    Enter­prise Architecture Management


    Embedded Systems

  • FLEX

    Flexible Architectural Models

  • Foundation

    Functional Software Architecture


    Evolution and Improvement of Software Architectures


    Requirements for Software Architects

  • SOA‑T

    Service-oriented Architecture

  • SOFT

    Soft Skills for Software Architects

  • SWAM

    Mobile Archi­tec­tures

  • WEB

    Web Architecture


    Web Security

arc42 by Example – Volume 2: Architecture Documen­tation for Embedded Systems and IoT

Hruschka, Peter; Kostov, Ivan; Reimesch, Wolfgang
LEANPUB, 1st Edition, February 2021
English, 108 pages

arc42 by Example: Software architecture documen­tation in practice

Starke, Gernot; Simons, Michael; Zörner, Stefan; Müller; Ralf D.
Packt Publishing, 1st Edition, October 2019
English, 236 pages
ISBN: 978–1839214356

Architecture for Blockchain Applications

Xu, Xiwei; Weber, Ingo; Staples, Mark
Springer, 1st Edition, March 2019
English, 329 pages
ISBN: 978–3030030346

BDD in Action: Behavior-driven devel­opment for the whole software lifecycle

Smart, John Ferguson
Manning Publi­ca­tions, 1st Edition, October 2014
English, 384 pages
ISBN: 978–1617291654

Building Evolu­tionary Archi­tec­tures: Support Constant Change

Ford, Neal; Parsons, Rebecca; Kua, Patrick
O’Reilly UK Ltd., 1st Edition, September 2017
English, 174 pages
ISBN: 978–1‑4919–8636‑3

Building Microser­vices: Designing Fine-Grained Systems

Newman, Sam
O’Reilly and Associates, 1st Edition, February 2015
English, 278 pages
ISBN: 978–1491950357

Cloud Native Patterns: Designing change-tolerant software

Davis, Cornelia
Manning Publi­ca­tions, 1st Edition, May 2019
English, 400 pages
ISBN: 978–1617294297

Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases Through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation

Humble, Jez; Farley, David
Addison Wesley, 1st Edition, July 2010
English, 512 pages
ISBN: 978–0‑3216–0191‑9

Design Sprint: A Practical Guidebook for Building Great Digital Products

Banfield, Richard; Lombardo, C. Todd; Wax, Trace
O’Reilly Vlg. GmbH & Co., 1st Edition, October 2015
English, 272 pages
ISBN: 978–1491923177

Documenting Software Archi­tec­tures: Views and Beyond

Clements, Paul; Bachmann, Felix; Bass, Len; Garlan, David; Ivers, James; Little, Reed 
Addison Wesley, 2nd Edition, October 2010
English, 592 pages
ISBN: 978–0‑3215–5268‑6

Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software

Evans, Eric J.
Addison Wesley, 1st Edition, August 2003
English, 529 pages
ISBN: 978–0321125217

Enter­prise Architecture As Strategy: Creating a Foundation for Business Execution

Ross, W. Jeanne; Weill, Peter; Robertson, David
Harvard Business Review Press, 1st Edition, August 2006
English, 256 pages
ISBN: 978–1591398394

Enter­prise Integration Patterns: Designing, Building, and Deploying Messaging Solutions

Hohpe, Gregor; Woolf, Bobby
Addison Wesley, 1st Edition, October 2003
English, 736 pages
ISBN: 978–0‑3212–0068‑6

Evalu­ating Software Archi­tec­tures: Methods and Case Studies

Clements, Paul; Kazman, Rick; Klein, Mark
Addison Wesley, 1st Edition, October 2001
English, 368 pages
ISBN: 978–0201704822

Fifty Quick Ideas to Improve Your User Stories

Adzic, Gojko; Evans, David
Neuri Consulting LLP, 1st Edition, October 2014
English, 124 pages
ISBN: 978–0993088100

Founda­tions of Security: What Every Programmer Needs to Know

Daswani, Neil; Kern, Christoph; Kesavan, Anita
Apress, 1st Edition, February 2007
English, 324 pages
ISBN: 978–1590597842

How to Design Programs

Felleisen, Matthias; Findler, Robert Bruce; Flatt, Matthew; Krish­na­murthi, Shriram
MIT Press Ltd, 2nd Edition, May 2018
English, 792 pages
ISBN: 978–0262534802

INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook: A Guide for System Life Cycle Processes and Activities

Wiley, 4th Edition, August 2015
English, 304 pages
ISBN: 978–1118999400

JavaScript: The Good Parts: Working with the Shallow Grain of JavaScript

Crockford, Douglas
O’Reilly and Associates, 1st Edition, May 2008
English, 170 pages
ISBN: 978–0596517748

Kuber­netes Patterns: Reusable Elements for Designing Cloud Native Applications

Ibryam, Bilgin; Huss, Roland
O’Reilly Media, 1st Edition, April 2019
English, 262 pages
ISBN: 978–1492050285

Managed Evolution: A Strategy for Very Large Information Systems

Murer, Stephan; Bonati, Bruno
Springer, 1st Edition 2011
English, 264 pages
ISBN: 978–3‑642–43131‑9

Managing Technical Debt

Kruchten, Philippe; Nord, Robert; Ozkaya, Ipek
Addison Wesley, 1st Edition, June 2019
English, 272 pages
ISBN: 978–0‑1356–4593‑2

Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies

Antonopoulos, Andreas
O’Reilly UK Ltd., 2nd Edition, June 2017
English, 371 pages
ISBN: 978–1491954386

Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and Dapps

M. Antonopoulos, Andreas; Wood, Gavin
O’Reilly UK Ltd., 1st Edition, December 2018
English, 385 pages
ISBN: 978–1491971949

Mastering the Requirements Process: Getting Requirements Right

Robertson, Suzanne; Robertson, James
Addison Wesley, 3rd Edition 2012
English, 576 pages
ISBN: 978–0321815743

Mobile Design and Devel­opment: Practical concepts and techniques for creating mobile sites and web apps

Fling, Brian
O’Reilly and Associates, 1st Edition, September 2009
English, 332 pages
ISBN: 978–0596155445

NASA Software Safety Guidebook: NASA-GB-8719.13

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Indepen­dently published, 1st Edition, November 2018
English, 391 pages
ISBN: 978–1731089274

Object Oriented Reengi­neering Patterns

Demeyer, Serge; Ducasse, Stephane; Nierstrasz, Oscar Marius
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1st Edition, May 2002
English, 282 pages
ISBN: 978–1558606395

Patterns for Fault Tolerant Software (Wiley Software Patterns Series)

Hanmer, Robert
John Wiley & Sons, 1st Edition, October 2007
English, 308 pages
ISBN: 978–0470319796

Practices for Scaling Lean and Agile Devel­opment: Large, Multisite, and Offshore Product Devel­opment with Large-Scale Scrum

Larman, Craig; Vodde, Bas
Addison Wesley, 1st Edition, January 2010
English, 624 pages
ISBN: 978–0‑3216–3640‑9

Pragmatic Evalu­ation of Software Architectures

Knodel, Jens; Naab, Matthias
Springer Inter­na­tional Publishing, 1st Edition, June 2016
English, 154 pages
ISBN: 978–3‑319–34176‑7

Programming in Haskell

Hutton, Graham
Cambridge University Press, 2nd Edition, September 2016
English, 318 pages
ISBN: 978–1316626221

Real-Time Systems

Liu, Jane W. S.
Prentice Hall, 1st Edition, April 2000
English, 592 pages
ISBN: 978–0130996510

Real-Time Systems: Design Principles for Distributed Embedded Appli­ca­tions (Real-Time Systems Series)

Kopetz, Hermann
Springer, 2nd Edition, May 2013
English, 378 pages
ISBN: 978–1‑4614–2866‑4

Refac­toring Databases: Evolu­tionary Database Design

Ambler, Scott W.; Sadalage, Pramod J.
Pearson Education, 1st Edition, April 2011
English, 384 pages
ISBN: 978–0321774514

Release It! Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software

Nygard, Michael T.
O’Reilly UK Ltd., 2nd Edition, January 2018
English, 350 pages
ISBN: 978–1680502398

Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems

Anderson, Ross
Wiley, 2nd Edition, April 2008
English, 1088 pages
ISBN: 978–0470068526

Site Relia­bility Engineering: How Google Runs Production Systems

Beyer, Betsy; Jones, Chris; Petoff, Jennifer; Murphy, Niall Richard
O’Reilly UK Ltd., 1st Edition, April 2016
English, 524 pages
ISBN: 978–1491929124

Software Architecture Foundation: CPSA‑F Exam Preparation

This book can be purchased here at Van Haren Publishing.

Starke, Gernot; Lorz, Alexander
Van Haren Publishing, 2nd Edition, June 2023
English, 214 pages
ISBN: 9789401810425
CPSA_F Exam Preparation 2nd Edition

Software Architecture Funda­mentals: A Study Guide for the Certified Profes­sional for Software Architecture® – Foundation Level – iSAQB compliant

This book can be purchased worldwide on Amazon (UK, US, DE).

Gharbi, Mahbouba; Koschel, Arne; Rausch, Andreas
dpunkt.verlag, 1st Edition, February 2019
English, 232 pages
ISBN: 978–3‑86490–625‑1

Software Architecture in Practice

Bass, Len; Kazman, Rick; Clements, Paul
Addison Wesley, 3rd Edition, September 2012
English, 624 pages
ISBN: 978–0‑3218–1573‑6

Software Design X‑Rays: Fix Technical Debt with Behav­ioral Code Analysis

Tornhill, Adam
O’Reilly UK Ltd., 1st Edition, April 2018
English, 252 pages
ISBN: 978–1680502725

Software Security: Building Security In

McGraw, Gary
Addison Wesley, 1st Edition, January 2006
English, 448 pages
ISBN: 978–0321356703

Software Systems Architecture: Working with Stake­holders Using Viewpoints and Perspectives

Rozanski, Nick; Woods, Eoin
Addison Wesley, 2nd Edition, October 2011
English, 678 pages
ISBN: 978–0‑321–71833‑4

Speci­fi­cation by Example: How Successful Teams Deliver the Right Software

Adzic, Gojko
Manning Publi­ca­tions, 1st Edition, June 2011
English, 296 pages
ISBN: 978–1617290084

The Art of Scalability

Abbott, Martin L.; Fisher, Michael T.
Addison Wesley, 2nd Edition, June 2015
English, 624 pages
ISBN: 978–0‑1340–3280‑1

The Mikado Method

Ellnestam, Ola; Brolund, Daniel
Manning Publi­ca­tions, 1st Edition, March 2014
English, 240 pages
ISBN: 978–1617291210

The Surprising Power of Liber­ating Struc­tures: Simple Rules to Unleash A Culture of Innovation

Lipmanowicz, Henri; McCan­dless, Keith
Liber­ating Struc­tures Press, 1st Edition, October 2014
English, 366 pages
ISBN: 978–0615975306

Working Effec­tively with Legacy Code

Feathers, Michael
Prentice Hall, 14th Edition 2013
English, 456 pages
ISBN: 978–0131177055

Your Code As a Crime Scene: Use Forensic Techniques to Arrest Defects, Bottle­necks, and Bad Design in Your Programs

Tornhill, Adam
O’Reilly UK Ltd., 1st Edition, April 2015
English, 190 pages
ISBN: 978–1680500387

Industry Excellence

All CPSA® training courses are conducted by iSAQB® Accredited Trainers and Training Providers. Profit from these excellent iSAQB partners!

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Logo Training Provider Alexander Lorz
New Recognized iSAQB® Trainingsprovider - Dr. Faith
Logo of OpenValue - iSAQB Accredited Training Provider
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Recognized iSAQB® Trainingsprovider - CALLEN Software Consulting and Training
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Heise Medien Logo
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New Recognized iSAQB® Trainingsprovider - ETC – Enterprise Training Center GmbH

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