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Certified Profes­sional for Software Architecture (CPSA®)

The CPSA® Advanced Level Module FM – iSAQB® Training Course in Formal Methods


Formal Methods

Bullet­proof techniques and architecture to achieve correctness for your software system.

Credit Points for FM Training Courses

Techno­logical Competence


Methodical Compe­tence


Commu­nicative Competence




Content of the module Formal Methods (FM)




Speci­fi­cation and Implementation


Formal Methods and the Devel­opment Process





How do formal methods enhance software architecture compared to tradi­tional approaches, and what challenges do they present?

This curriculum intends to provide a collection of formal methods to supplement and replace the tradi­tional architect’s arsenal. These methods produce mathe­matical proofs of critical system properties. Note that such proof can not typically be produced as an after­thought to a system’s architecture. Instead, the architecture needs to be designed from the start to be amenable to such proof. While designing and building systems that are amenable to various flavors of automated testing – such as unit, integration, accep­tance, and property testing – is estab­lished practice and well-supported by common technology stacks, formal methods require a substan­tially higher effort to incor­porate in a design. For instance, estab­lishing a formal connection between speci­fi­cation and imple­men­tation requires a careful selection of speci­fi­cation and programming languages, respectively.

To apply formal methods, archi­tects need to formulate important properties of the software system mathe­mat­i­cally, construct an architecture capable of ensuring these properties, and then proceed to verify them formally. Creating an architecture fit for verifi­cation requires careful consid­er­ation, and a high degree of architectural competency.

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Advanced Level – Exami­nation Rules

This document contains general rules regarding the CPSA-Advanced Level exami­nation. It provides information on areas of compe­tence, modular concept, exami­nation requirements, costs, prepa­ration, regis­tration, and structure of the examination.

English Version [pdf]

Deutsche Version [pdf]

Advanced Level – Sample task for the CPSA‑A exami­nation task

Sample task “BigSpender” / Topic – Information System

Deutsche Version [pdf]

English Version [pdf]

Curriculum Module FM – Formal Methods

Curriculum of the Advanced Level Module FM with all learning goals and terms for the individual chapters.

English Version [pdf]

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