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Certified Profes­sional for Software Architecture (CPSA®)

The CPSA® Advanced Level Module ARCEVAL – iSAQB® Training Course in Software Architecture Evaluation


Architecture Evalu­ation

What are contem­porary means to review the architecture of a software solution? And how can you condense findings, set impulses, and use lean designs in agile environments?

Credit Points for ARCEVAL Training Courses

Techno­logical Competence


Methodical Compe­tence


Commu­nicative Competence



CPSA Advanced Level module ARCEVAL diagram curriculum content

Content of the module Architecture Evalu­ation (ARCEVAL)


Basic terms of software architecture evaluation


Requirements in architecture evaluation


Evalu­ation workshop


Rework and result utilization


Evalu­ation of existing systems (and system parts)


Examples for the evalu­ation of software architectures

How to determine whether the architecture meets expectations

The module architecture evalu­ation (ARCEVAL) – apart from the clari­fi­cation of important basic terms, condi­tions, and goals – partic­u­larly deals with the requirements in architecture evalu­ation. Here the concept of quality as well as associated quality charac­ter­istics and scenarios play a major role. Partic­i­pants also learn how to success­fully prepare and conduct evalu­ation workshops. Reworking and utilization of results with the associated risks, a meaningful documen­tation of results and the subse­quent commu­ni­cation of these results will also be examined.

The evalu­ation of existing systems or their parts is taught to the partic­i­pants by learning to derive scenarios from existing problems, to verify the imple­men­tation of the architecture and to apply appro­priate metrics and tools for architecture evaluation.

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Advanced Level – Sample task for the CPSA‑A exami­nation task

Sample task “BigSpender” / Topic – Information System

Deutsche Version [pdf]

English Version [pdf]

Curriculum Module ARCEVAL – Architecture Evaluation

Curriculum of the Advanced Level Module ARCEVAL with all learning goals and terms for the individual chapters.

English Version [pdf]

Deutsche Version [pdf]

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