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List of exam providers

Our Recog­nized Certification Bodies Follow Worldwide Standards

Within the iSAQB training scheme, the formal and organi­za­tional separation between training and exam providers is the basis for a maximum of quality and trans­parency of the CPSA® certifications.

On this page you will find all recog­nized certification bodies that offer CPSA® exams in your home country. All information on exam prices, which can vary from country to country, can be found on the respective certification body websites.

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Here you can look for your desired exam language, CPSA® Level, and exam type.

ACerT – Academia Brasileira de Certi­fi­cações e Treina­mentos Ltda.

Founded in February 2018, ACerT was developed to foster techno­logical special­ization in Brazil, based on knowledge acquired from over ten years of experience in certification bodies ahead of the organi­zation and conduction of exams, with authorship in a pioneering project in Brazil for the creation, imple­men­tation and management of academic partner­ships and perfor­mance in the management and training logistics has provided the expertise for its emergence. It provides preparatory courses for exams, profes­sional training and certi­fi­ca­tions of important global players, with the support of highly qualified instructors active in the market, academic insti­tu­tions, techno­logical centers and private companies.

Rua Salvador Simões 918 Vila Dom Pedro I  04276–000 São Paulo  Brazil 
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CPSA Levels: Foundation Level
Exam Types: Exam After Classroom Training, Online / Remote Proctor
Exam Languages: English, Portuguese
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Brightest GmbH

Brightest is a global exami­nation body supporting global certification standards in several languages (e.g. ISTQB, iSAQB, IFPUG and our United Portfolio), we help provide a path for measuring and confirming industry-based knowledge in areas of expertise throughout the IT industry. On top of being able to offer paper exams around the world, we proudly collab­orate with Pearson VUE for all or our electronic exam solutions: Brightest Private Exams (remote/online exams), Brightest Center Exams (at any of the 5200+ Pearson Test Centres) and Brightest Green Exams (electronic group exams). All successful candi­dates receive a digital certificate and also benefit from a digital badge from the world-leading Credly’s Acclaim Badging Services.  #ReachY­our­Po­tential with Brightest!

Lehmbruckstr. 18  10245 Berlin  Germany 
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CPSA Levels: Foundation Level
Exam Types: Online / Remote Proctor, Exam After Classroom Training, Test Center, Public Exams
Exam Languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese
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Cert-IT GmbH

Cert-IT was founded in 2003 by the business associ­a­tions BITKOM and ZVEI, the trade unions IG Metall and ver.di as well as the Gesellschaft für Infor­matik e. V. and the Fraun­hofer Gesellschaft.

In 2009, the social partners handed over Cert-IT into the hands of Germany’s leading IT certifier, the DLGI.

Cert-IT is accredited by the German Accred­i­tation Society (DAkkS) as a certification body for management systems, products and people and is therefore their trusted partner for certi­fi­ca­tions in the field of education and IT.

In the context of personal certi­fi­ca­tions, Cert-IT has relied on web-based exami­nation systems from the very beginning and thus offers its customers standardized exami­nation proce­dures, flexi­bility for exami­nation companies and a fast result for the candidate. Our portfolio also includes remote proctoring proce­dures while maintaining the integrity of the exam.

Rabin­straße 1  53111 Bonn  Germany 
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Exam Types: Online / Remote Proctor, Exam After Classroom Training, Public Exams
Exam Languages: German, English
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Certible GmbH

Certible is an independent certification body headquar­tered in Vienna, Austria, and operating worldwide. We offer a range of IT certi­fi­ca­tions including the iSAQB CPSA, as well as in areas like Requirements Engineering (IREB CPRE), Usability & User Experience (UXQB CPUX), Software Testing (ISTQB Certified Tester) and many more.

Certible is currently offering remote exams using our inter­­nally-developed solution, which goes above and beyond GDPR compliance to offer the utmost in privacy, security and convenience.

Aside from remote exams Certible is known primarily for its tablet-based onsite exams, combining the respon­siveness of electronic test taking with the conve­nience of complete flexibility.

We also offer exams to individuals in the form of public exams throughout the German-speaking world. Regardless of exam form candi­dates are notified of results instantly.

Löwel­straße 20/2–3 1010 Vienna  Austria 
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Exam Types: Online / Remote Proctor, Exam After Classroom Training, Public Exams
Exam Languages: German, English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese
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Future Network Cert GmbH

We certify your expertise in Software Architecture and Requirements Engineering, in an independent, flexible and competent manner.

With over 15,000 exams held worldwide, Future Network Cert, founded in Vienna in 2007, is one of the leading certification bodies in Europe. In the field of Software Architecture, certi­fi­ca­tions in line with the iSAQB® are carried out and, as far as Requirements Engineering is concerned, tests are held in accor­dance with IREB®. We have also been an accredited partner of EXIN since 2017 and offer certi­fi­ca­tions by this innov­ative organ­i­sation in areas such as Business Analysis, DevOps and Agile Scrum.

As a special incentive, the best 20 of the respective certification area will be honoured in an annual gala event. The award will be covered by the media.

Peak Vienna, Florids­dorfer Strasse 1  1210 Vienna  Austria 
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Exam Types: Online / Remote Proctor, Exam After Classroom Training, Public Exams
Exam Languages: German, English
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GASQ Service GmbH

Global Associ­ation for Software Quality, abbre­viated GASQ, is an inter­na­tional exam provider and a leading associ­ation in the software quality industry. GASQ was founded by experts from Europe, Asia and America as an independent, inter­na­tional non-profit associ­ation aiming to advocate and promote software quality in research, teaching and industry.

Today, GASQ cooperates with multiple training providers, national testing boards and consulting companies. It actively partic­i­pates in the devel­opment of new certi­fi­ca­tions and offers them through its extensive inter­na­tional network. GASQ is currently repre­sented on over 60 national markets by more than 250 cooper­ation partners. Thanks to globally recog­nized expertise and leading certification schemes, GASQ yearly certifies over 20.000 people in Europe, Asia, North and South America, Australia and Africa in 10 different languages.

Through all of its activ­ities, GASQ strives to make it its core respon­si­bility to increase awareness about the impor­tance of good software quality and highly qualified staff in this sector. Nonetheless, GASQ broadens its focus and identifies areas that require devel­opment or improvement of the quality standards.

Keltenring 15  82041 Oberhaching  Germany 
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Exam Types: Online / Remote Proctor, Exam After Classroom Training, Public Exams
Exam Languages: German, English
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The iSQI Group, with offices in Potsdam (Germany), Amsterdam (The Nether­lands), London (UK) and Boston (USA), is a leading provider of certification exami­na­tions all over the world. For 15 years, iSQI has been playing a signif­icant role in certi­fying the know-how of IT profes­sionals in over 100 countries on 6 conti­nents in 10 languages. With over 30,000 certi­fi­ca­tions per year, iSQI paves the way for successful career development.

iSQI exami­na­tions are supported by a global network of accredited training providers. Their expertise in education assists profes­sionals in improving their knowledge and skills for the certification exam. iSQI fosters experience changes and business devel­opment as well as advance­ments in software quality engineering. iSQI dedicates to the success of partners and clients. The company has three main roles as a certification body: knowledge auditor, knowledge editor, and knowledge mediator.

Voltas­traße 1  14482 Potsdam  Germany 
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Exam Types: Online / Remote Proctor, Exam After Classroom Training, Test Center, Public Exams
Exam Languages: German, English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese
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ITA-STQB (ITAlian Software Testing Quali­fi­ca­tions Board) is a non-profit associ­ation born in 2007, which started to offer certification exams from the second half of 2008. Its charac­ter­istic activ­ities include certification in the field of software engineering in Italy, such as business analysis, requirements engineering, software architecture and testing. Certification happens in accor­dance with the rules and syllabi that are public, defined by inter­na­tional reference insti­tutes, i. e., ISTQB®, IREB®, IQBBA® and iSAQB®, written by experts and subjected to continuous review and updating. Their termi­nology is described in glossaries, and ITA-STQB deals with trans­la­tions into Italian for the certi­fi­ca­tions offered in Italy. ITA-STQB also deals with the accred­i­tation of companies for training activ­ities, the active contri­bution to the evolution of inter­na­tional reference schemes, and the stimu­lation of interest in Italy on software engineering issues through the organi­zation of confer­ences and specific events, while promoting the exchange of skills.

Via Brozzoni 9  25125 Brescia  Italy 
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CPSA Levels: Foundation Level
Exam Types: Online / Remote Proctor, Exam After Classroom Training
Exam Languages: English, Italian
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Pearson VUE & Brightest

CPSA Foundation Level exams can be taken through our licenced partner Brightest at 5,300 Pearson VUE testing centers in over 190 countries worldwide.


CPSA exams in test centers — worldwide and at your site 
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CPSA Levels: Foundation Level
Exam Types: Test Center, Online / Remote Proctor
Exam Languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese
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Pearson VUE & iSQI

CPSA Foundation Level exams can be taken through our licenced partner iSQI at 5,300 Pearson VUE testing centers in over 190 countries worldwide.


CPSA exams in test centers — worldwide and at your site 
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CPSA Levels: Foundation Level
Exam Types: Test Center
Exam Languages: German, English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese
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Logo TST

Shanghai Tongsiting Software Technology Co., Ltd

Shanghai Tongsiting Software Technology Co., Ltd (TST) is a leading exami­nation service provider in China, estab­lished in 2009. Special­izing in providing an inter­na­tional body of knowledge certification for IT profes­sionals, TST offers a range of IT certi­fi­ca­tions, including the iSAQB® CPSA®, Software Testing (ISTQB®), TMMi® profes­sional, Requirements Engineering (IREB® CPRE), IQBBA®, UXQCC®, and A4Q®

TST collab­o­rates closely with experi­enced experts from academia and industry, providing efficient and high-quality Chinese trans­la­tions, including syllabi, glossaries, and exam questions for all the schemes introduced.

Meanwhile, TST is actively involved in devel­oping inter­na­tional and Chinese national and group standards, driving the software industry forward.

Through cooper­ation with colleges and univer­sities in China, TST integrates an inter­na­tionally advanced body of knowledge into academic curricula, fostering qualified IT profes­sionals in China.

TST hosts multiple inter­na­tional and domestic technical exchange confer­ences each year, gaining a reputable status in the Greater China region.

National Science Park of FuDan University, No 11, Guotai Road  Yangpu District, Shanghai  China 
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CPSA Levels: Foundation Level
Exam Types: Online / Remote Proctor, Exam After Classroom Training, Public Exams
Exam Languages: English, Chinese
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Swiss Associ­ation for Quality

The SAQ Swiss Associ­ation for Quality is an inter­na­tional service organi­zation in the field of personal certification, quality management and business excellence. We help our members to sustainably increase their compet­i­tiveness — as SME, organi­zation or professional.

We are the preferred partner for personal certification. 70–75 percent of all customer advisors in the Swiss financial center are SAQ certified. In 2019 we issued 8,523 certifi­cates in the IT, banking, quality, risk, environment, safety and corporate functions sectors.

We create and share knowledge and networks in the fields of quality, business excellence and opera­tional excellence.

The SAQ IT Expert Group networks and promotes IT profes­sionals and commu­nities. It supports and supple­ments training offers with meetings and confer­ences. It maintains and promotes the devel­opment of existing personal certificates.

Ramuzs­trasse 15  3027 Bern  Switzerland 
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CPSA Levels: Foundation Level
Exam Types: Exam After Classroom Training, Online / Remote Proctor
Exam Languages: German, English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese
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