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iSAQB Blog CLOUDINFRA interview with curators Anja Kammer and Marc Haid

Why Should I attend the CPSA® Advanced Training CLOUD­INFRA (Infrastructure, Container, and Cloud Native)?

An Interview With Curators Anja Kammer and Marc Haid

What is behind the CPSA Advanced Level training CLOUD­INFRA: Infrastructure, Container, and Cloud Native? What can partic­i­pants expect from this training course which is one of 17 modules of the iSAQB’s multi-level CPSA program (Certified Profes­sional for Software Architecture)?

The module curators Marc Haid and Anja Kammer shed light upon some very relevant questions concerning this Advanced Level training and illus­trate which contents and topics are covered by CLOUDINFRA.


Is this the right module for me? Which audience does CLOUD­INFRA address?

Knowledge of cloud infra­struc­tures is not necessary for partic­i­pation in the module. Practical experience in the design and devel­opment of software systems and in dealing with containers is helpful, but not a prereq­uisite. This module, therefore, addresses both active software devel­opers and software architects.

In the first chapter, partic­i­pants are intro­duced to cloud infra­struc­tures at a very general level. In the following chapters, the specific features and technical details of distributed system environ­ments in the various forms of the cloud are discussed.


How is the CLOUD­INFRA training course relevant to my profes­sional practice as a software architect?

Cloud infra­struc­tures and archi­tec­tures affect a variety of technologies and concepts. The content of the CLOUD­INFRA module provides software archi­tects with the knowledge of how infrastructure compo­nents work together and what to look out for when building cloud-based systems. In addition, they are intro­duced to concepts estab­lished in large cloud-based systems that can be helpful for their projects. The appli­cation of the acquired knowledge is not limited to cloud environ­ments but can also be helpful for the imple­men­tation in a legacy architecture.


Which skills do I acquire in this module; what exactly do I learn in this training?

The module starts with defin­i­tions of cloud terms and their meaning. This is followed by approaches of modern archi­tec­tures, the integration of user inter­faces, and the specific features of technical compo­nents such as containers, network, and storage. On this basis, further topics like design patterns for resilience, appli­cation and container design, and also resulting appli­cation scenarios of service meshes are discussed. Finally, the module covers requirements for organi­zation and devel­opment, testing, monitoring, and opera­tions, up to provi­sioning and configuration.

We believe that very important aspects of cloud architecture are therefore presented in the module. Partic­i­pants will be intro­duced to concepts that can be used to solve problems arising in practice for distributed systems in the cloud based on estab­lished procedures.


Why is the focus on architectural patterns?

Tools provide alleged solutions to emerging problems. In cloud-based systems, there is a multitude of tools that need to be mastered and managed.

However, CLOUD­INFRA does not focus on the presen­tation of tools, but rather enables software archi­tects to identify the problem and determine a solution based on design patterns. With the help of defined design patterns, appro­priate tools can be found, or suitable solutions can be developed.


You would like to learn more about the CPSA Advanced Level module CLOUD­INFRA? Please visit the CLOUD­INFRA module web page. 

You would rather find and book a suitable CLOUD­INFRA training course right away? Then check out our training calendar.

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Anja Kammer

Marc Haid

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