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iSAQB Blog WEB interview with curator Till Schulte-Coerne

Attending the iSAQB® CPSA® Advanced Training in Web Architecture (WEB) – Who Should Take The Course and Why?

An Interview With Curator Till Schulte-Coerne

Which audience does the module WEB address?

The training course is meant for people who are looking for a somewhat broader overview of the huge subject that is “web”. The goal is to illuminate and classify as many existing standards as possible as well as different approaches to archi­tec­tures on as many levels as possible – from the back end to the infrastructure to the fast-moving realm of the web front end.


How is the module relevant for the profes­sional practice of software architects?

Modern archi­tec­tures are usually web-based. Even if parts such as the client, for example, are not web-based, other parts such as APIs are usually web-based solutions. A deep under­standing of the web is therefore essential for most software archi­tects in their daily work in order to make the right decisions.


Which skills do software archi­tects acquire from the module, what exactly do they learn in this training course?

Partic­i­pants of the module will learn to classify different architecture approaches. The aim is to enable them to recognize alter­na­tives when, for example, an existing approach is no longer viable. Furthermore, they should be able to partic­ipate in discus­sions on all levels of their archi­tec­tures, no matter if it is about decisions in the RESTful HTTP API or about decisions regarding the architecture of the CSS code.


Why should (prospective) software archi­tects partic­ipate in such a training course?

Nowadays, the web is almost always automat­i­cally the first choice, both for client imple­men­ta­tions and for distributed systems in general. Even if no web technologies are to be used in the current day-to-day business, the question as to whether a web-based approach might be the right one will usually come up again with the next decision.

At the same time, many people’s under­standing of the web is often biased in favor of a particular framework or technology. Especially in this day and age of fast-moving technologies and architecture approaches, the ability to quickly grasp new things and find one’s way around both the back end and the front end is important. This is exactly what the training course is supposed to teach both aspiring software archi­tects and experi­enced veterans.


You would like to learn more about the CPSA Advanced Level module WEB? Please visit the WEB module web page. 

You would rather find and book a suitable WEB training course right away? Then check out our training calendar.

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About the Author

Till Schulte-Coerne
Till Schulte-Coerne is a Senior Consultant at INNOQ and has been implementing web applications with various technologies and frameworks for many years. His focus is on the architecture and implementation of scalable, ergonomic web applications. Furthermore, he is co-initiator of the frontend architecture variant ROCA. He is a regular trainer for workshops, especially on the topic of web architecture and web frontend technologies and has also written several articles on this topic.

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