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AI and Ethics WP

AI and Ethics: What Are Our Guide­lines for the Use of AI?

“Artificial intel­li­gence is probably the best or the worst thing that can happen to mankind.”

(Stephen Hawking, physicist)

“The power of artificial intel­li­gence is so incredible that it will change society in profound ways.”

(Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft)

What Are Our Guide­lines for the Use of AI?

It’s the year 2024. The hype surrounding LLMs and ChatGPT started a year ago and is now having an initial impact on software devel­opment. AI chatbots can not only generate texts, draw photo­re­al­istic images, create music or answer questions — they can now also generate functioning programs in a programming language that even work. And through continuous learning, they are getting better and better at what they do. This is a powerful technology and so far there are hardly any regula­tions or legal guide­lines for the use of these tools. So it’s time to start thinking about guard rails for the creation and use of this extremely powerful technology. Because one thing is clear: AI will be integrated into all kinds of products in the future and will therefore have a major impact on all our lives.

To really show the scale that will be upon us with the dawn of the AI age, I would like to quote here from a TED talk by Mustafa Suleyman:

“With that in mind, I offer the following metaphor today to help us grapple with what this moment [the widespread adoption of AI] really is. I think AI is best under­stood as something like a new digital species. Please don’t take this too literally, but I predict that we will see them as digital companions, new partners in our life journeys. Whether you believe we are on a 10‑, 20- or 30-year journey, I think this is the most accurate and funda­men­tally honest way to describe what is actually coming.”

And an important insight from him is: “We can only control what we can under­stand”. So what do we need to do to under­stand this?

AI and Ethics: What Do We Need to Pay Attention to?

So, in essence, it comes down to this: If Artificial Intel­li­gence really is such a powerful thing that will affect us all, how can we ensure that the system is not abused or that the technology makes “wayward” decisions?

To clarify this, the European Union (EU) has committed itself to a number of important values, the so-called minimum ethical requirements. The minimum ethical requirements that must be imple­mented in AI include, in particular:

  1. Protection of privacy
  2. Clari­fi­cation of respon­si­bility relation­ships. I.e. specif­i­cally: Who is respon­sible if something goes wrong?
  3. Fairness
  4. In concrete terms, this means: Can you see through what is happening inter­nally in the AI? Is the behavior comprehensible?
  5. Security

Based on these minimum requirements, the German government estab­lished seven ethical indicators for AI in 2021:

  1. Priority of human action and human super­vision (man before machine)
  2. Technical robustness and security
  3. Protection of privacy and data quality management
  4. Trans­parency and explain­ability (AI data and processes must be traceable and explainable)
  5. Diversity, non-discrim­i­nation and fairness (access to the use of services must be equal and non-discriminatory)
  6. Social and environ­mental well-being (the impact of AI systems on society and the environment must be assessed in advance)
  7. Account­ability (it must be clear who is respon­sible for AI systems and their results and who can be held legally accountable)


Digital Ethics

The precepts of digital ethics come into play in the widespread intro­duction of digitalization.


Figure 1: The 10 Command­ments of Digital Ethics


It is therefore important for us, on the brink of the age of artificial intel­li­gence, to regulate precisely what the new technology may and may not do. Because these guard rails will determine what can and cannot happen. Otherwise, the same thing could happen to humanity as with previous techno­logical revolu­tions: people will be overrun by the new technology and will be helplessly at its mercy.

Sources    What Is an AI Anyway? | Mustafa Suleyman | TED     Der EU AI Act einfach erklärt    Das wichtigste Gesetz aller Zeiten? (AI-Act)      Wie ethisch ist KI? — Thilo Hagen­dorff — Science Slam     Künstliche Intel­ligenz: Unsere neue Superkraft? | Idee 3D | ARTE      Von Chatbots bis zu Waffen­sys­temen — Fluch und Segen der Künstlichen Intel­ligenz | SWR Doku    AI Act: EU-Verordnung zu künstlicher Intel­ligenz (KI) in 3 Minuten erklärt


This is a trans­lation of ITech Progress’ blog post “KI und Ethik: Was sind unsere Leitplanken für den Einsatz von KI?”. Here you can find the original blog post in German.

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