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Behind the scenes of the (new) Foundation Level curriculum

The time had come again: The new release of the iSAQB Foundation curriculum came out just in time at the beginning of April 2023. Alongside key differ­ences compared to the previous version, this blog post explains how work is under­taken within an inter­na­tional and decentral associ­ation and what methods and tools we use.   Why a new…

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Babylon as a Feature


The Tower of Babylon is a myth meant to explain why the world’s peoples speak different languages. Refer to Bibli­og­raphy [0] below for details. In modern IT systems, it’s often a requirement to support multiple languages. Such inter­na­tion­al­ization (i18n for short) is a tough challenge – and this post describes a simple solution to just…

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Why Should I attend the CPSA® Foundation Level Training Course?

iSAQB Blog Foundation Level interview with curator Gernot Starke

The iSAQB’s Certified Profes­sional for Software Architecture program (CPSA) is a program of further education. It is aimed at anyone who works on solution struc­tures in IT projects. Within the multi-level CPSA program, the Foundation Level is the first step. It provides a solid and pragmatic intro­duction to software architecture. But why exactly should you,…

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SAG 2021 Session Recording: “Essential Architectural Thinking”


There is a lot of confusion regarding architectural work these days. When? How much? Who? Tons of heated debates, and nobody is asking the essential question: Why? But without asking Why, all the other questions are futile. Thus, this session at the Software Architecture Gathering 2021 by Uwe Friedrichsen will start by asking: *Why* do…

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Setup for Hybrid Workshops


Abstract Hybrid: From Latin hybrida, a variant of hibrida. Something of mixed origin or compo­sition; often, a tool or technology that combines the benefits of formerly separate tools or technologies. (Source: Wiktionary) Hybrid workshops allow people online and on-site to collab­orate, both in education/training, or other types of meetings. Before COVID-19, workshops and trainings were…

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The (new) Software Architecture Foundation Curriculum

Want to learn Software Architecture? Look no further – the recently released iSAQB Foundation Curriculum covers all your needs! A group of inter­na­tional software architecture experts has been working on optimizing and stream­lining this systematic education path, resulting in the most systematic and practical curriculum ever. The 2021 update is the result of nearly 12 months…

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Migrating the iSAQB® Mock Exami­nation to AsciiDoc

The iSAQB provides a mock exam for the Foundation Level certification. This post shows how we moved this exam from docx format to AsciiDoc, facil­i­tating collab­o­ration and enabling automated gener­ation of the required multi­lingual document variants. So, this is the story of how we moved from Microsoft Word to AsciiDoc for the collab­o­ration on files…

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