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About the New CPSA®-Advanced Level Module Green Software – Devel­opment of Resource-Efficient Appli­ca­tions (GREEN)

On August 20, the iSAQB intro­duced the new Advanced Level module Green Software – Devel­opment of Resource-Efficient Appli­ca­tions (GREEN). GREEN focuses on devel­oping resource-efficient IT systems from a software architect’s perspective, covering topics from raising awareness in the company to designing energy-efficient archi­tec­tures, measuring and monitoring tools, and cloud opera­tions. Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wanner, one of…

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About the New CPSA®- Advanced Level Module Domain-Specific Languages (DSL)

On November 21, the iSAQB published the curriculum of the new Advanced Level module Domain-Specific Languages (DSL). DSL covers crucial techniques in programming language design and compiler construction. It enables partic­i­pants to under­stand the role of DSLs in overall architecture, design user-friendly DSLs system­at­i­cally, and recognize them as integral to architecture design. The editorial team…

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Babylon as a Feature


The Tower of Babylon is a myth meant to explain why the world’s peoples speak different languages. Refer to Bibli­og­raphy [0] below for details. In modern IT systems, it’s often a requirement to support multiple languages. Such inter­na­tion­al­ization (i18n for short) is a tough challenge – and this post describes a simple solution to just…

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Why Should I attend the CPSA® Advanced Training CLOUD­INFRA (Infrastructure, Container, and Cloud Native)?

iSAQB Blog CLOUDINFRA interview with curators Anja Kammer and Marc Haid

What is behind the CPSA Advanced Level training CLOUD­INFRA: Infrastructure, Container, and Cloud Native? What can partic­i­pants expect from this training course which is one of 17 modules of the iSAQB’s multi-level CPSA program (Certified Profes­sional for Software Architecture)? The module curators Marc Haid and Anja Kammer shed light upon some very relevant questions concerning…

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Why Should I attend the CPSA® Advanced Training EMBEDDED (Embedded Systems)?

iSAQB Blog EMBEDDED interview with curator Ulrich Becker

The iSAQB’s multi-level CPSA scheme, short for Certified Profes­sional for Software Architecture, is a program of further education. It is aimed at IT profes­sionals who work on solution struc­tures. At Advanced Level, the second step of the CPSA program, partic­i­pants can choose between 17 modules – and one of them covers the topic of embedded…

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Why Should I attend the CPSA® Advanced Training BLOCKCHAIN (Low-Trust Consensus in Decen­tralized Applications)?

iSAQB Blog BLOCKCHAIN interview with curator Lars Hupel

The CPSA Advanced Level is the second step within the iSAQB’s multi-level CPSA program (Certified Profes­sional for Software Architecture). One of the 17 training options of the Advanced Level that partic­i­pants can choose from is the module BLOCKCHAIN – Low-Trust Consensus in Decen­tralized Appli­ca­tions. In this infor­mative interview, Lars Hupel, curator of the Advanced module…

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